ANT Script Execution Option

Exporting Project as ANT Script

AppPerfect project can be exported as an ANT script allowing it to be integrated with your build process. You can export project as ANT script using tools > Export project as ANT Script... menu option

The Export As ANT Script Dialog Box has the following fields:

ANT Script Location: Enter the full path where you want application to generate required ANT scripts for the project. Application will generate two files one is standard ANT Script file that is "build.xml" and second is $Project_Name.xml file. The build.xml file just contains call to $Project_Name.xml file, this is helpful when you want to use ANT script with build process in that case you can just copy contents of build.xml to your build.xml file.

Save Result: Specify whether to save result after the execution of project.

Export Result: Specify whether to export result as HTML after the execution of project.