Recording a Web Test

Once test settings and system settings are configured, you can start "recording a test". A test is recorded by capturing the events and actions you perform on your browser. Recorded tests can be replayed as many times and as often as needed. Each event and action that has been recorded is replayed as if you were manually performing the actions yourself. Replaying happens without your intervention, thus saving you time and resources. The other important features of AppPerfect Web Test that will enhance your recorded tests are:

Browser Recording

To start recording a test, click Project -> Record test... from the menubar. This will launch the AppPerfect Recorder dialog. Ensure the browser is correctly configured at Tools -> Options...-> Browsers, JDKs & DBs. Following settings can be configured in Recorder dialog before starting recording :


You can select the browser for recording from the list of configured browsers. AppPerfect Web Test records Web test in either of following ways depending on the browser used:


Each project can have multiple groups based on functionality you want to record. Select the group in which you need to record the test from the Group dropdown. Application will record the events in the selected group.

Starting URL:

Provide the starting url of your application here. Application will take care of launching the browser with the starting url provided here.


Transactions are used in case you are simultaneously recording Load Test script. You can record transactions to get details of response time during execution for set/group of tasks. During recording you can start/stop transaction to record transactions.

Session is managed using url-rewriting

Select this option in case your application maintains session using URL-rewriting. For ex. in case your application sends the session id as part of url path like then you need to select this option.


In case your application requires Authentication then same should be configured here. Refer to Authentication Schemes for details on various authentication mechanisms that can be configured with AppPerfect.

Remove previously recorded/created tasks

In case this option is selected then application first removes or clears all the tasks from the selected group and then records new tasks.

Record Load Test Script simultaneously

AppPerfect support recording of Web Test and Load Test scripts simultaneously. In case this option is selected application also records Load Test script in the project. You can later on open this project in AppPerfect Load Test product and execute the load test. For recording Load Test, application uses Proxy recording.


In case Load Test script is simultaneously recorded then application will exclude or include load test tasks in recording based on extensions specified in filters (example *.gif, *.jpg)

Recording the test

Click the Start Recording button to start recording. Click Pause/Resume button to pause/resume recording. Click the Stop button to stop recording. Once you start recording application will Launch browser with your application. All the actions you peform with your application will be recorded in the project.