Users and Groups

To access the AppPerfect Monitor, you need to be registered as a user. Each user account holds distinct information about the user such as email id, phone numbers, groups the user belongs to, in addition to a user name and password that would uniquely identify that user.

The list of all the users currently registered can be viewed by accessing the Users tab. The list of users has a check box in the left most position of the table. This check box is used for selecting multiple users for deletion at one time. Selecting the topmost check box selects all the users in the list however it is not possible to delete the administrator. To view the account settings for any user you can click the hyperlink provided for the User ID.

Defining users

To add a new user to AppPerfect Monitor click the Add button in the Admin > Users section. A new page will be brought up wherein you can enter the details of the user. The fields marked with an asterisk are compulsory attributes and need to be entered for a new user to be created. A brief description of each of the settings in given below:

User ID An ID that uniquely defines this user. The ID should be atleast 3 characters long and can consist of only alpha numeric characters.
First Name First name of the user. Use of special characters and space is not allowed.
Last Name Last name of the user. Here too use of special characters and space is not allowed.
Password Password that will be used to access this user account.
Confirm Password Confirm the password above by entering it in again.
Phone Telephone number.
Email Email ID of the user. This is used when an email notification is sent out.
Mobile Mobile number which is used if an SMS notification is sent out. If this number is not specified then the user would not get the SMS Notification even though s/he would be registered for the Notification.
SMS (via email) Mobile number which is used if an SMS notification via Email notification is sent out.
User Type Identifies if the user is an administrator. Administrators have special access and can modify system settings.
Page Refresh Interval This field indicates how often the charts and tables shown should be refreshed with the new data.
Displayed Data Window This field indicates the time period for which the Y-axis of the chart will show the data. For example, if it is chosen as one hour then the chart Y-axis will show data got in the past hour. Similarly if four hours was selected the charts would show the data for the last four hours.
Groups The user can be registered as a member of a group simply by selecting the groups here. This is a useful feature as the same access permissions given to a group are applicable for all the users of the group. See Managing Groups for details on how to add, delete and edit groups.
Monitors Monitors that the user is authorised to monitor can be specified here. The monitors selected here will be the ones to which the user is registered and these will be the ones shown in the monitor tree when the user logs in.

Once all the details are entered click the Add button and the user will be created and you will be taken to the user list page. If there is some error in entering the data, there will be a message shown asking you to correct the data.

Managing users

For modifying a user's properties, you need to click that User ID in the user list. A page similar to the add user page will be shown and all the properties of the user can be modified from here. The valid values for the settings are shown above. Once you have entered the information click the Update button and the users properties will be updated. If the updation is successful there will be a message displayed at the top of the user list page saying that the user has been successfully added.

To understand the different privileges that the users can have with a combination of the Administrative rights and Allow Time Slice Changes allowed can be seen in the table below:

Parameter With "Allow Time Slice Changes" allowed With "Allow Time Slice Changes" not allowed
With Administrative Rights
  • Modifying his/her default time slice from the "Settings" tab. This will only affect the Current Status page charts.
  • Can modify default time slice of himself/herself through the "Home => Users => Update " link. This will only affect the Current Status page charts.
  • Can view the chart for different time slices. If a user selects new time slice, then all the charts (except for charts displayed on the Current Status) generated will have the newly selected time slice until the current session expires. Even if the time slice of the user is modified, the time slice of the current session will not be changed, hence the charts will be generated using the current session's time slice.
  • Cannot modify his/her default time slice from "Settings" tab.
  • The option itself will not be available in the "Home => Users => Update" link.
  • Cannot view the charts for different time slices as only the default time slice will be set. Now, even if the time slice of the user is modified, the time slice of the current session will not be changed, hence the charts will be generated using the current session's time slice. Any change in the default time slice will be effective when he/she logs on next time.
Without Administrative Rights
  • Modifying his/her default time slice from the "Settings" tab will only affect the Current Status page charts.
  • Cannot modify his settings through the "Home => Users => Update" link.
  • Can view the chart for different time slices. If a user selects new time slice, then all the charts (except for charts displayed on the Current Status) generated will have the newly selected time slice until the current session expires. Even if the time slice of the user is modified, the time slice of the current session will not be changed, hence the charts will be generated using the current session's time slice.
  • Cannot modify his/her default time slice from "Settings" tab.
  • The option itself will not be available in the "Home => Users => Update" link.
  • Cannot view the charts for different time slices as only the default time slice will be set. Now, even if the time slice of the user is modified, the time slice of the current session will not be changed, hence the charts will be generated using the current session's time slice. Any change in the default time slice will be effective when he/she logs in next time.

Deleting Users

For deleting users, you need to select the check box against the User Id of the user/users you want to delete and then click the Delete button. In the delete confirmation dialog that comes up, click Ok and the user(s) will be deleted. If Cancel is clicked no action will be taken.

When a user is deleted the action is final and cannot be reversed. All reports owned by that user are also deleted.

Managing groups

Groups are shown in a separate section on the 'Admin > Users' tab. This section shows the details of existing groups if any and allows addition and deletion of groups through the 'Add' and 'Delete' buttons. To modify an existing group, just click its 'Group ID'.


To add a new group to AppPerfect Monitor, click the Add button and enter the details pertaining to the group. The fields marked with an asterisk are compulsory attributes and need to be entered for a new group to be created. A brief description of each of the settings is given below:

Group ID An ID that uniquely defines this group.
Group Name A name that identifies this group.
Monitors Monitors that the group can monitor.
Users The users belonging to this group.

Once all the details are entered click the Add button and you will get a message indicating that the new group has been added.


For deleting a group, select the check box next to the Group ID you want to delete and then click the Delete button. You will be informed about the deletion. Note that deleting the groups does not delete the users in the groups.


For modifying a group's properties, click the Group ID. The values for the fields are shown. Make changes and click the Update button. You will get a message saying the Group has been updated successfully.