You can edit the recorded test using Editor UI. The Editor UI shows you a hierarchical list of the elements of your recorded test:
On selecting the Project node in the Editor tree you can see following on the right hand side tab:
For each unique host used in the test there is a host setting entry in this table. Each task in the test are linked to the host setting shown in this table. In case you need to execute recorded test against your application on some differnt host you just need to edit the host settings here. You dont need to worry about changing host for each task. Just changing host settings here will result in replaying test against new host. You can edit the Host Name, the Port number and select the protocol between HTTP and HTTPS here. You can also parameterise the host settings to replay test against different hosts during multiple iterations.
Replay Linked projects/groups: For any Automated testing tool one of the important feature is the reusability of the existing scripts. AppPerfect provides the feature of linking exisiting scripts with the host script so that without re-creating common functionalites already implemented in existing scripts can be reused. Select Yes from the combo box if you need to replay linked projects/groups. For more details refer to Link Projects chapter.
Groups Table: In a project the tasks are stored in logical groups. This enables users to better organize the test. A test can have one or more groups. All the groups in the test are shown in this table. You can :
An important aspect of designing a good test is to define parameters correctly. Most modern applications use some kind of parameterization scheme to communicate data between the end user and the Web application. When a Web Test is recorded via a browser, all parameters that are encountered for the recorded URLs are stored in the test project. These recorded parameters can be managed via the "Parameters" tab in the Test Editor.
Additional information about parameterization can be found in the Parameters chapter.
Another important aspect of testing is to make sure that test is performing desired actions and response recived as result of those actions is correct. To confirm that response received are correct you can define validations. Validations for test can be managed via "Validations" tab/node in the Test Editor.
Additional information about validations can be found in the Validations chapter.
The recorded test consists of a number of "Groups". A Group is a logical unit for combining actions inside a test. After recording, all Browsers/URLs/Events are stored in the Group for which recording was done.
Behavior of the various groups can be configured by clicking the group node in the Editor tree and setting its properties on the right side of the window. Following properties can be set:
Group Name: This is the unique identifier associated with a group. Each group in the test should have a unique name.
Ignore Group: To decide whether the group should be ignored while executing test.
Repeat Count: Number of times you want to repeat a group within an iteration.
In case your application requires Authentication then same should be configured here. Refer to Authentication Schemes for details on various authentication mechanisms that can be configured with AppPerfect.
Tasks Table: Each group can have multiple tasks created in it. All the tasks in the test are shown in this table. You can :
In the right hand panel you can view the following :
You can:
You will see a list of parameters, if any have been encountered for the selected task. You can select any of the parameters and parameterize it to fetch different value during replaying. Additional information about parameterization can be found in the Parameters chapter.
You can review all the request headers sent along with http/https task here.
You can review all the soap headers sent along with soap task here.
You can review all the soap attachments sent along with soap task here.
As a application developer or tester, you will design (or test) your application based on a 'valid' set of responses expected from the application. You can set these validations for each web page after you have recorded the test.
For furthur details on each validation refer to Validations chapter.